Saturday, 17 December 2016

What is QR code and how to read and generate QR code using Android mobile and tablet ?

QR code - Quick Response Code (Two dimensional barcode)


The world keepz changing.. technology keeps improving day by day. Everyone find 24 hrs in a day to be too less for a day, we keep chasing one or the other thing for betterment of our life.
          Here i gonna share certain information about a new technology known as Qr code, which is really important for us to know and use in our daily life to save our time.

Introduction :

QR code was intially designed for automative purpose in Japan to track vehicles now it is useful in various applications like time tracking, product tracking,item identification and also marketing purpose.
      Though it is similar to barcode (one dimension)QR code is more advanced than barcode. QR code can also read code uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary) to efficiently store data; extensions may also be used.
     Now a days a smartphones are used as a QR code scanner and generator, used to display code and convert to  standard URL for a website, since it provides a way to access a brand's website more quickly than by manually entering a URL.


   Its made of black and white check boxes, each square is known as module. It consists of small strips and modules together know as pattern. These modules and pattern used to find whether its a text or number or URL.

QR code scanner :

    To scan QR code,  QR code reader is used to read and then scan the the code. Once the scan is done less than a minute we can track  information such as

1. Product details
2. Contact information
3. Video links
4. Url

QR code generator :

       Smartphones are also used as QR generator,  we can generate our own qr codes and store our information in it and share everything in a touch.
         It can be used by both large and small scale business, it also helps in Marketing strategy. We can explain in a single touch by sharing our QR code which we generate by our own.

To scan and generate QR codes:

    I found a easy way to scan and generate codes is by downloading a app from a playstore for Android smart devices.

Click here for QR Code Reader and Generator for Android devices created by ZustApps

This single app helped me to scan all types of QR codes and generate QR code for any text, phone number, URL to share easily, create QR code with contact details and also to share Wi-Fi connectivity details etc., Utilities with this kind of new technologies are endless. In future we all are going to exchange cash with one another using QR codes.

Hope i have shared a useful info for today......
Try the above mentioned link and let me know the review and how you enjoyed generating your own QR code.

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